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Modena Automotive Smart Area

Modena Automotive Smart Area is a pilot research project developed through a public-private partnership, aiming at the development of smart mobility and autonomous driving. MASA born in Modena, in the heart of the Motor Valley, where automotive tradition merges with innovation, digital culture e ICT.

MASA stems from a collaboration between the Municipality of Modena and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with Maserati S.p.a., and with the involvement of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport and the support of Emilia-Romagna Region.
Research and testing activities concern interactions between vehicles (Protocol V2V), interactions between vehicle and in motion obstacle (Protocol V2X), and the interaction between vehicle and city (Protocol V2I). 

MASA goal is to be the 1st national urban laboratory of experimentation, research, control, standardization and certification in order to collaborate with citizens and companies in a urban innovative environment, in which the digital revolution applied to mobility (smart city e smart road) and to automotive (connected car / autonomous car) for safety of citizens (of their health, their data and their privacy), for urban life quality improvement (more services and a more attractive city), for energy savings (lower emissions and lower costs) and for the environmental quality improvement (noise) is playing an essential role.

MASA resources:

  • Smart Model Area: located within the city of Modena (public area), equipped by several infrastructures (video cameras, 4.5G communication network; data server; sensors) for experimentation of bidirectional communication between connected vehicles and cities (V2X) and for the testing of vehicles equipped with ADAS devices up to level 3 and 4. (Started in May 2018).
  • Smart dynamic Area: private area located within the "Autodromo di Modena" circuit, equipped for autonomous vehicles testing. for V2X communication and for the implementation of training activities for students and users of ADAS devices. Some technologies have already been used in the area: cloud interconnected traffic lights, digital signage, obstacle detection cameras operating with "AI" software, video analysis for "smart parking", sensors connected to the "LoRa" network . (Started in May 2017)
  • Rearch & Development Lab: university research laboratory equipped with a static "hardware in the loop" simulator for the implementation of R&D activities, usable in collaboration with private companies, and for the implementation of training activities for students and users of ADAS devices (from 2018 October)

The AIPCR-World Road Association interest:

AIPCR Italy, the Italian committee of the World Road Association (Permanent International Association of Road Congresses) the world's leading association for the exchange of knowledge in the infrastructure and road transport field has shown interest in MASA project.
AIPCR operates through 17 Italian Technical Committees composed of authorities, university professors, and operators of the sector, of special prestige. They carry out the activities of study, research, in-depth analysis, updates and prospects for improvement, simplification and innovation, transferring the results also internationally.
One of the AIPCR National Technical Commitee in particular, the CTN B.1 "Esercizio della Rete Stradale / Sistemi di Trasporto Intelligente" has analyzed in depth MASA project: according to the working group report, MASA is the only Italian experience of this kind in urban areas, this is a straordinary opportunity that certifies MASA as a strategic project for Italy. (Click here to learn more: Report AIPCR Italia). 
A MASA delegation has also partecipate to the 3rd meeting of the National Technical Commitee B.1, held in Rome on 23rd of January 2018: the team has presented MASA program, rising great interest among partecipants. (Click here to learn more:  meeting report and the MASA presentation.

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